Basic Policy on Information Security


Kumiai Chemical Group recognizes that it is an important social responsibility of a company to handle the information assets of our customers and business partners in the proper manner. We will take necessary organizational, institutional, personnel, technical, and physical measures to minimize security risks.

2.Information Security System

We have established the following management system for information security and are committed to the appropriate management of information assets.

Information Security System

3.Information Security Measures

We have established a security policy that conforms to the ISMS (Information Security Management System) concept, an international standard for information security, and implement the necessary measures.

Classification of measures Description of measures
Organizational measures
  • Establishment of a system for information security
  • Establishment of a system to respond to information security incidents
Institutional measures
  • Establishment of rules for information security
  • Implementation of continuous self-inspection of information security
  • Implementation of internal audits of information security
Personnel measures
  • Provision of continuous education necessary to maintain or improve the appropriate management of information assets to all employees.
  • Provision of education and training on information security incidents
Technical measure Implementation of countermeasures for information security, such as security vulnerability, access control measures, and measures for prevention from computer virus infection.
Physical and environmental measures
  • Use of data centers and other facilities with access control and other measures
  • Formulation of Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in the event of an accident caused by a disaster or other unforeseeable event that cannot be prevented.

4.Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We comply with all laws, regulations, and rules related to information security.

5.Continuous Improvement

We strive to enhance our Basic Policy on Information Security continuously respond to changes in information assets and new threats.