R&D System
In Japan, Kumiai Chemical Industry's research bases are the Chemical Research Institute (Process Chemistry Research Center, Formulation Technology Research Center, and New Molecule Research Center) and the Life & Science Research Center (Agrochemical Research Center and Life & Environmental Research Center). These research centers work together to create a research system that can respond to a variety of needs.

The Chemical Research Institute and Life Science Research Institute conduct research and development of original, high-value-added new agrochemicals that meet market needs through an integrated research and development system that includes exploratory synthesis of new compounds, biological evaluation, safety and environmental impact assessment, formulation, and establishment of industrial manufacturing methods. The two institutes organically collaborate with each other while also cooperating with our overseas bases around the world to conduct research not only on agrochemical products, but also in a wide range of fields to meet the needs of global society

Chemical Research Institute (New Molecule Research Center)

We conduct structural exploration and synthetic research on novel bioactive substances that serve as a starting point for the development of agrochemicals. We synthesize new compounds using the latest organic synthesis technologies and measure their physicochemical properties to analyze and predict drug behavior. We will work on innovative chemical discovery research using information obtained from AI and the affinity of the compound for the point of action.
Life Science Research Institute (Agrochemical Research Center)

New compounds synthesized at the New Molecule Research Center are evaluated for their performance as agrochemicals, and feedback is provided on the direction of synthesis. By repeating this steady process, we create the active ingredients for new agrochemicals. From here, we develop agrochemical products that are used by farmers capitalizing the agrochemical ingredients created in this way. We also conduct research on microbial agrochemicals and biostimulants to create new product value that meets the needs of the society. Research at the Agrochemical Research Center is conducted in Japan through collaboration among research sites in Hokkaido, Miyagi, and Shizuoka. In order to meet the needs of the global market, we will study practical applications at the Mississippi Research Station in the U.S. and other research bases in various countries, aiming to create and develop agrochemical products that contribute to agricultural production around the world.
Life Science Research Institute (Life & Environmental Research Center)

By evaluating the human and animal safety and environmental impact of candidate compounds for development, this institute plays a very important role for the development of new safe and secure agrochemicals moving forward.
We will also scientifically unravel the function and safety of new agrochemicals by clarifying the mechanism of action of agrochemicals on target tissues and the metabolic mechanism within organisms. Furthermore, research is conducted to develop products that meet new needs of the society by utilizing technologies accumulated through research in environmental science, biotechnology, and other fields.
Chemical Research Institute (Formulation Technology Research Center)

Research is conducted to develop agrochemical formulations that maximize the performance of active ingredients, can be used safely by farmers and contribute to labor savings, and are safe for crops and the environment.
We will work with the Agrochemical Research Center to develop formulations that are highly effective and easy for farmers to use, and we will also work with factories to design formulations that can be manufactured safely and efficiently. Ingenious formulations such as our MAMETSUBU (Bean size formulation) which dramatically reduces the work involved in pesticide application are the result of research conducted at the Formulation Technology Research Center.
Chemical Research Institute (Process Chemistry Research Center)

We conduct research and development of manufacturing processes for the safe and inexpensive production of compounds that become new active ingredients for agrochemicals. We develop technologies and study industrialization for manufacturing in actual chemical plants, from experiments in laboratories through small-scale plants. We also look into the design of facilities and processing of waste materials. We will conduct research and development of fine chemicals in various fields, such as pharmaceutical and agrochemical intermediates and high-performance chemicals, with the aim of expanding our business domain.
Chemical Research Institute (Shimizu Inovation Park/ShIP)

The Chemical Research Institute, the core of our manufacturing, has started operations in October, 2023 in Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka City, where Kumiai Chemical Industry was founded. That has integrated three Chemical Research Centers scattered throughout Shizuoka Prefecture (New Molecule Research Center in Iwata City, Formulation Technology Research Center in Shizuoka City, and Process Chemistry Research Center in Fuji City).
The name "ShIP" is inspired by the image of a voyage from Shimizu, where the company was founded, to the open sea. It also reflects the hope for synergy and the creation of new innovations by bringing together researchers from different fields and strengthening their collaboration.
Research and development of new agrochemicals is conducted on a global basis to develop agrochemicals effective against pests and weeds that are problematic in many countries around the world, as well as in various crop growing systems and soil conditions around the world. After initial evaluations at research sites in France, Thailand, and Myanmar in addition to a large field in Mississippi, U.S.A., practical evaluation is conducted through affiliated companies such as K-I Chemical U.S.A.